Daddy`s Boy Whore #32 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (20883D)
  • Daddy`s Boy Whore #32 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (20883D)
  • Daddy`s Boy Whore #32 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (20883D)
Daddy`s Boy Whore #32 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (20883D)
Daddy`s Boy Whore #32 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (20883D) Daddy`s Boy Whore #32 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (20883D)

Daddy`s Boy Whore #32 DVD (Bring Me A Boy)

59,95 CAD$
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Sometimes you need sex, but the kind only a good boy whore can provide. Martin had to get his stepson ready for school, but Tony was still in bed. He told Martin he didn't feel good. Luckily, Martin knows how to make him feel better. Roger couldn't wait to get his stepson Jamie's hands all over his body. But of course, that wasn't the only thing he wanted him to get his hands on. Marks probably taken thousands of showers, but his stepdad, Eric, watched him one day and realized he was doing it wrong. That's when the fun began. It is great that Eric finally gets to spend alone time with his stepson Danny and bond like they used to when mom was away. Bearsilien loves it when his boy teases him. Last week they were on a mini work vacation and got separate rooms so Samy could play around with other daddies, but Bearsilien had to get my alone time with him first. Enjoy Daddy's Boy Whore 32.

Durata: 1h 20min
Attori: Samy Luvsins, Danny Bianchi, Jan Blatnik, Radek Cerveny, Tony Milak, Martin Dajnar, Bearsilien, Roger, Eric Lenn

Un informazione su Barebacking e ingoiare-sperma: Questi film contengono scene di sesso senza uso del preservativo e scene dove viene ingoiato lo sperma. Questo sesso non protetto puo' trasmettere l´HIV e altre malattie sessualmente trasmissibili. Prima di girare un film , gli attori vengono sottoposti ad un test del sangue. Altri film vengono girati solo con attori sieropositivi o sono stati girati prima della scoperta dell' effetto protettivo dei preservativi. Fate sempre sesso protetto! E non interpretate questi film come incitamento a fare sesso non protetto!!!.

Studio: Bring Me A Boy
Categorie: DVD & Media, DVDs, Bareback, Daddies, DVD in copia singola, Twinks (18-22), Uomini, Uomini pelosi
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